
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  ' Draws text to the screen
  ' @param {object} draw2d The iDraw2d instance to use
  ' @param {string} text the test to display
  ' @param {integer} x
  ' @param {integer} y
  ' @param {object} font Font object to use
  ' @param {string} [alignment="left"] Alignment - "left", "right" or "center"
  ' @param {integer} [color=-1] RGBA color to use
  sub drawText(draw2d as object, text as string, x as integer, y as integer, font as object, alignment = "left" as string, color = -1 as integer) as void
    if draw2d = invalid
    end if
    if alignment = "left"
      draw2d.DrawText(text, x, y, color, font)
    else if alignment = "right"
      draw2d.DrawText(text, x - font.GetOneLineWidth(text, 10000), y, color, font)
    else if alignment = "center"
      draw2d.DrawText(text, x - font.GetOneLineWidth(text, 10000) / 2, y, color, font)
    end if
  end sub

  ' NOTE: This function is unsafe! It creates an roBitmap of the required size to be able to both scale and rotate the drawing, this action requires free video memory of the appropriate amount.
  function DrawScaledAndRotatedObject(draw2d as object, x as float, y as float, scale_x as float, scale_y as float, theta as float, drawable as object, color = -1 as integer) as void
    new_width = Abs(int(drawable.GetWidth() * scale_x))
    new_height = Abs(int(drawable.GetHeight() * scale_y))
    if new_width <> 0 and new_height <> 0

      scaledBitmap = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width: new_width, height: new_height, AlphaEnable: true})

      scaledRegion = CreateObject("roRegion", scaledBitmap, 0, 0, new_width, new_height)
      pretranslation_x = drawable.GetPretranslationX()
      pretranslation_y = drawable.GetPretranslationY()
      newPreX = pretranslation_x * scale_x
      if scale_x < 0
        newPreX = -newPreX
      end if
      newPreY = pretranslation_y * scale_y
      if scale_y < 0
        newPreY = -newPreY
      end if
      scaledRegion.setPretranslation(-Abs(newPreX), -Abs(newPreY))
      scaled_draw_x = Abs(newPreX)
      scaled_draw_y = Abs(newPreY)

      scaledRegion.DrawScaledObject(scaled_draw_x, scaled_draw_y, scale_x, scale_y, drawable)

      draw2d.ifDraw2D.DrawRotatedObject(x, y, theta, scaledRegion, color)
    end if
  end function

  function TexturePacker_GetRegions(atlas as dynamic, bitmap as object) as object
    if type(atlas) = "String" or type(atlas) = "roString"
      atlas = ParseJson(atlas)
    end if
    regions = {}
    for each key in atlas.frames
      item = atlas.frames[key]

      region = CreateObject("roRegion", bitmap, item.frame.x, item.frame.y, item.frame.w, item.frame.h)

      if item.DoesExist("pivot")
        translation_x = item.spriteSourceSize.x - item.sourceSize.w * item.pivot.x
        translation_y = item.spriteSourceSize.y - item.sourceSize.h * item.pivot.y
        region.SetPretranslation(translation_x, translation_y)
      end if

      regions[key] = region
    end for

    return regions
  end function

  ' -----------------------Utilities Used By Game Engine---------------------------

  function ArrayInsert(array as object, index as integer, value as dynamic) as object
    for i = array.Count() to index + 1 step -1
      array[i] = array[i - 1]
    end for
    array[index] = value
    return array
  end function

  sub DrawCircleOutline(draw2d as object, line_count as integer, x as float, y as float, radius as float, rgba as integer)
    if draw2d = invalid
    end if
    previous_x = radius
    previous_y = 0
    for i = 0 to line_count
      degrees = 360 * (i / line_count)
      current_x = cos(degrees * .01745329) * radius
      current_y = sin(degrees * .01745329) * radius
      draw2d.DrawLine(x + previous_x, y + previous_y, x + current_x, y + current_y, rgba)
      previous_x = current_x
      previous_y = current_y
    end for
  end sub

  sub DrawRectangleOutline(draw2d as object, x as float, y as float, width as float, height as float, rgba as integer)
    if draw2d = invalid
    end if
    draw2d.DrawLine(x, y, x + width, y, rgba)
    draw2d.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + height, rgba)
    draw2d.DrawLine(x + width, y, x + width, y + height, rgba)
    draw2d.DrawLine(x, y + height, x + width, y + height, rgba)
  end sub

  function isValidEntity(entity as object) as boolean
    return invalid <> entity and entity.id <> invalid
  end function

  ' 	' -------Button Code Reference--------
  ' 	' Button  Pressed Released  Held
  '   ' ------------------------------
  ' 	' Back         0      100   1000
  ' 	' Up           2      102   1002
  ' 	' Down         3      103   1003
  ' 	' Left         4      104   1004
  ' 	' Right        5      105   1005
  ' 	' OK           6      106   1006
  ' 	' Replay       7      107   1007
  ' 	' Rewind       8      108   1008
  ' 	' FastForward  9      109   1009
  ' 	' Options     10      110   1010
  ' 	' Play        13      113   1013

  function buttonNameFromCode(buttonCode as integer) as string
    buttonId = buttonCode mod 100
    possibleButtonNames = [
    if buttonId < possibleButtonNames.count()
      return possibleButtonNames[buttonId]
    end if
    return invalid
  end function

  ' Clone an array (shallow)
  ' @param {object} [original=[]] the original array to be clones
  ' @return {object} A shallow copy of the original array
  function cloneArray(original = [] as object) as object
    retVal = []
    for each item in original
    end for
    return retVal
  end function

  ' Check if two arrays of points are teh same - that is, if each point, in order has same x and y values
  ' @param {object} [a=[]] the first array
  ' @param {object} [b=[]] the second array
  ' @return {boolean} true if both arrays have same number of points and x and y values are the same for each point
  function pointArraysEqual(a = [] as object, b = [] as object) as boolean
    if a.count() <> b.count()
      return false
    end if

    same = true

    for i = 0 to a.count() - 1
      same = a[i].x = b[i].x and a[i].y = b[i].y
      if not same
        exit for
      end if
    end for

    return same
  end function

end namespace