
BGE. GameInput

Class that contains all information about the current input during a given frame from the remote


new GameInput(buttonCode, heldTimeMs) → {void}

Creates a GameInput object based on the buttonCode

Name Type Description
buttonCode integer

button to use for the data

heldTimeMs integer

how long was this button held for

Name Type Description
button string

The name of the button associated with the current input

buttonCode integer

The code for the input

press boolean

Was the button pressed since the last frame

held boolean

Was the button held down since last frame

release boolean

Was the button released this frame

heldTimeMs integer

How many milliseconds was the current input held for

x float

Current horizontal directional input: left -> -1, right -> 1

y float

Current vertical directional input: up -> -1, down -> 1

' -------Button Code Reference--------
' Button  Pressed Released  Held
' ------------------------------
' Back         0      100   1000
' Up           2      102   1002
' Down         3      103   1003
' Left         4      104   1004
' Right        5      105   1005
' OK           6      106   1006
' Replay       7      107   1007
' Rewind       8      108   1008
' FastForward  9      109   1009
' Options     10      110   1010
' Play        13      113   1013


isButton(buttonName) → {boolean}

Is this input for the given button name?

Name Type Description
buttonName string

the button name to check (case insensitive - e.g. "ok" is same as "OK")


isDirectionalArrow() → {boolean}

Is this input from the directional pad
