
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  ' Gets the number of lines in a string by counting the newlines
  ' @param {string} text
  ' @return {integer}
  function getNumberOfLinesInAString(text as string) as integer
    lines = 1
    newLine = Chr(10)
    nextNewLineIndex = text.inStr(0, newLine)
    while nextNewLineIndex > -1
      if nextNewLineIndex < text.len()
        nextNewLineIndex = text.inStr(nextNewLineIndex + 1, newLine)
        exit while
      end if
    end while
    return lines
  end function

  ' Finds the index of the last time a substring appears in a string
  ' @param {string} text
  ' @param {string} substring
  ' @return {integer}
  function lastInStr(text as string, substring as string) as integer
    nextLastIndex = text.inStr(0, substring)
    lastIndex = nextLastIndex
    while nextLastIndex > -1
      lastIndex = nextLastIndex
      nextLastIndex = text.inStr(lastIndex + 1, substring)
    end while
    return lastIndex
  end function

  ' Given a float number, returns the number with a fixed numbers of decimals as a string
  ' @param {float} num
  ' @param {integer} precision
  ' @return {string}
  function numberToFixed(num as float, precision as integer) as string
    rounded = BGE.Math.Round(num, precision)
    numStr = rounded.toStr().trim()
    decimalIndex = BGE.lastInStr(numStr, ".")
    if -1 = decimalIndex
      numStr += "." + string(precision, "0")
      return numStr
    end if
    afterDecimalCount = numStr.len() - 1 - decimalIndex
    if precision > afterDecimalCount
      numStr += string(precision - afterDecimalCount, "0")
    end if
    return numStr
  end function

end namespace