
namespace BGE.QuickHull

  ' Gets a series of triangles for the convex space defined by an array of {x,y} points
  ' @param {object} pointsArray - array of {x,y} objects
  ' @param {boolean} hull - perform a quick hull operation
  ' @return {object} array of triangles, each is array of 3 {x,y} points
  function getTrianglesFromPoints(pointsArray = [] as object, hull = true as boolean) as object
    triangles = []
    if pointsArray.count() < 3
      return []
    end if
    if hull
      pointsArray = QuickHull(pointsArray)
    end if
    apex = pointsArray[0]
    for i = 1 to pointsArray.count() - 2
      tri = []
      tri.push(pointsArray[i + 1])
    end for
    return triangles
  end function

  ' Implementation of the QuickHull algorithm for finding convex hull of a set of points
  ' Modified from: https://github.com/claytongulick/quickhull
  ' Original author Clay Gulick
  ' @param {object} pointsArray - array of {x,y} objects
  ' @return {object} the minimal set of points for a convex hull
  function QuickHull(pointsArray = [] as object) as object
    hull = []
    'if there are only three points, this is a triangle, which by definition is already a hull
    if pointsArray.count() = 3
      return pointsArray
    end if
    baseline = getMinMaxPoints(pointsArray)
    addSegments(hull, baseline, pointsArray)
    addSegments(hull, [baseline[1], baseline[0]], pointsArray) ' reverse line direction to get points on other side
    return hull
  end function

  ' Gets the min and max points in the set along the X axis
  ' modified from https:'github.com/claytongulick/quickhull
  ' @param {Array} pointsArray - An array of {x,y} objects
  ' @return {object} array [ {x,y}, {x,y} ]
  function getMinMaxPoints(pointsArray = [] as object, vertical = false as boolean) as object
    minPoint = pointsArray[0]
    maxPoint = pointsArray[0]

    for i = 1 to pointsArray.count() - 1
      if not vertical
        if pointsArray[i].x < minPoint.x
          minPoint = pointsArray[i]
        end if
        if pointsArray[i].x > maxPoint.x
          maxPoint = pointsArray[i]
        end if
        if pointsArray[i].y < minPoint.y
          minPoint = pointsArray[i]
        end if
        if pointsArray[i].y > maxPoint.y
          maxPoint = pointsArray[i]
        end if
      end if
    end for

    return [minPoint, maxPoint]
  end function

  ' Gets the total width from first point to last point horizontally, and the offset of the first point
  ' @param {object} [pointsArray=[]] array of {x,y} objects
  ' @return {object}
  function getMaxWidthAndHorizontalOffset(pointsArray = [] as object) as object
    if pointsArray.count() < 1
      return invalid
    end if
    minMax = getMinMaxPoints(pointsArray)
    return {width: minMax[1].x - minMax[0].x, offset: minMax[0].x}
  end function

  ' Gets the total height from first point to last point vertically, and the offset of the first point
  ' @param {object} [pointsArray=[]] array of {x,y} objects
  ' @return {object} object with {height as float, offset as float}
  function getMaxHeightAndVerticalOffset(pointsArray = [] as object) as object
    if pointsArray.count() < 1
      return invalid
    end if
    minMax = getMinMaxPoints(pointsArray, true)
    return {height: minMax[1].y - minMax[0].y, offset: minMax[0].y}
  end function

  ' Calculates the distance of a point from a line
  ' modified from https:'github.com/claytongulick/quickhull
  ' @param {Array} point - Array [x,y]
  ' @param {Array} line - Array of two points [ [x1,y1], [x2,y2] ]
  ' return {float}
  function distanceFromLine(point as object, line as object) as float
    vY = line[1].y - line[0].y
    vX = line[0].x - line[1].x
    return (vX * (point.y - line[0].y) + vY * (point.x - line[0].x))
  end function

  ' Determines the set of points that lay outside the line (positive), and the most distal point
  ' Returns: {points: [ [x1, y1], ... ], max: [x,y] ]
  ' @param points
  ' @param line
  function distalPoints(line as object, points as object) as object
    outerPoints = []
    point = points[0]
    distalPoint = invalid
    distance = 0
    maxDistance = 0

    for each point in points
      distance = distanceFromLine(point, line)

      if distance > 0
        if distance > maxDistance
          distalPoint = point
          maxDistance = distance
        end if
      end if
    end for

    return {points: outerPoints, max: distalPoint}
  end function

  ' Recursively adds hull segments
  ' @param line
  ' @param points
  function addSegments(hull as object, line as object, points as object) as void
    distal = distalPoints(line, points)
    if invalid = distal.max
    end if
    addSegments(hull, [line[0], distal.max], distal.points)
    addSegments(hull, [distal.max, line[1]], distal.points)
  end function

end namespace