
namespace BGE.UI

  ' Base Abstract class for all UI Elements
  class UiWidget extends BGE.GameEntity

    ' If position = "custom", then m.customX is horizontal position of this element from the parent position
    ' and m.customY is the vertical position of this element from the parent position (positive is down)
    customPosition as boolean = false

    customX as float = 0
    customY as float = 0

    ' If customPosition is false, this dictates where horizontally in the container this element should go. Can be: "left", "center" or "right"
    horizAlign as string = "left"
    ' If customPosition is false, this dictates where vertically in the container this element should go. Can be: "top", "center" or "bottom"
    vertAlign as string = "top"

    ' Width of the element
    width as integer = 0
    ' Height of the element
    height as integer = 0

    protected canvas as object

    padding as Offset = new Offset()
    margin as Offset = new Offset()

    function new(game as BGE.Game) as void
    end function

    ' Function to get the value of the UI element
    ' @return {dynamic} - the value of this element
    function getValue() as dynamic
      return invalid
    end function

    ' Method called each frame to draw any images of this entity
    ' @param {object} [parent=invalid] - the parent of this Ui Element - will be an object with {x, y, width, height}
    function draw(parent = invalid as object) as void
    end function

    ' Set the canvas this UIWidgetDraws to
    ' @param {object} [canvas=invalid] The canvas this should draw to - if invalid, then will draw to the game canvas
    sub setCanvas(canvas = invalid as object)
      if canvas <> invalid
        m.canvas = canvas
        m.canvas = m.game.getCanvas()
      end if
    end sub

    ' Method called each frame to reposition
    ' @param {object} [parent=invalid] - the parent of this Ui Element - will be an object with {x, y, width, height}
    function repositionBasedOnParent(parent = invalid as object) as void
      drawPosition = m.getDrawPosition(parent)
      m.x = drawPosition.x
      m.y = drawPosition.y
    end function

    ' Method called each frame to draw any images of this entity
    ' @param {object} [parent=invalid] - the parent of this Ui Element - will be an object with {x, y, width, height}
    ' @return {object} - x,y coordinates of where this widget should be positioned
    protected function getDrawPosition(parent = invalid as object) as object
      drawPosition = {x: 0, y: 0}
      parentPadding = new Offset()
      if invalid <> parent
        drawPosition.x += parent.x
        drawPosition.y += parent.y
        if invalid <> parent.padding
          parentPadding = parent.padding
        end if
        parent = {x: 0, y: 0}
      end if

      if m.customPosition or invalid = parent.width or invalid = parent.height
        drawPosition.x += m.customX
        drawPosition.y += m.customY
        hAlign = lcase(m.horizAlign).trim()
        vAlign = lcase(m.vertAlign).trim()
        if "left" = hAlign
          drawPosition.x += m.margin.left + parentPadding.left
        else if "center" = hAlign
          drawPosition.x += parent.width / 2 - m.width / 2
        else if "right" = hAlign
          drawPosition.x += parent.width - m.width - parentPadding.right - m.margin.right
        end if

        if "top" = vAlign
          drawPosition.y += m.margin.top + parentPadding.top
        else if "center" = vAlign
          drawPosition.y += parent.height / 2 - m.height / 2
        else if "bottom" = vAlign
          drawPosition.y += parent.height - m.height - m.margin.bottom - parentPadding.bottom
        end if
      end if
      return drawPosition
    end function

  end class

end namespace