
namespace BGE.UI

  class UiContainer extends UiWidget

    backgroundRGBA as integer = BGE.RGBAtoRGBA(128, 128, 128, 0.8) ' RGBA value for the background of the window/container
    showBackground as boolean = true ' Should the background be drawn?

    protected children as object = []

    function new(game as BGE.Game) as void

    end function

    ' Method for handling any actions needed when this is removed from view
    ' Clears all children
    override function onRemove() as void
    end function

    function addChild(element as UiWidget) as void
      if element <> invalid
      end if
    end function

    function removeChild(element as UiWidget) as void
      indexToRemove = -1
      if invalid = element
      end if

      for i = 0 to m.children.count() - 1
        if m.children[i].id = element.id
          indexToRemove = i
          exit for
        end if
      end for
      if indexToRemove >= 0 and invalid <> m.children[indexToRemove]
      end if
    end function

    function clearChildren() as void
      for each element in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Method for handling any updates based on time since previous frame
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {float} deltaTime - milliseconds since last frame
    override function onUpdate(deltaTime as float) as void
      for each child in m.children
        if child <> invalid
        end if
      end for
    end function

    ' Set the canvas this UIWidget Draws to
    ' Sets the canvas on all children
    ' @param {object} [canvas=invalid] The canvas this should draw to - if invalid, then will draw to the game canvas
    override sub setCanvas(canvas = invalid as object)
      if invalid <> m.children
        for each child in m.children
          if child <> invalid
          end if
        end for
      end if
    end sub

    ' Method called each frame to draw any images of this entity
    override function draw() as void
      if m.showBackground
        m.canvas.DrawRect(m.x, m.y, m.width, m.height, m.backgroundRGBA)
      end if
      for each child in m.children
        if invalid <> child and child.enabled
        end if
      end for
    end function

    ' Function to get the value of the UIContainer, which will be an object of all the values of the children
    ' @return {object} - the value of this element
    override function getValue() as object
      value = {}
      for each child in m.children
        value.addReplace(child.name, child.getValue())
      end for
      return value
    end function

    ' Method to process input per frame
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {BGE.GameInput} input - GameInput object for the last frame
    override function onInput(input as BGE.GameInput) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Method to process an ECP keyboard event
    ' @see  https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/developer-program/debugging/external-control-api.md
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {integer} char
    override function onECPKeyboard(char as integer) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Method to process an External Control Protocol event
    ' @see  https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/events/roinputevent.md
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {object} data
    override function onECPInput(data as object) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Method to handle audio events
    ' @see  https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/events/roaudioplayerevent.md
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {object} msg - roAudioPlayerEvent
    override function onAudioEvent(msg as object) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Called when the game pauses
    ' Calls same method in all children
    override function onPause() as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Called when the game unpauses
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {integer} pauseTimeMs - The number of milliseconds the game was paused
    override function onResume(pauseTimeMs as integer) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Called on url event
    ' @see  https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/events/rourlevent.md
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {object} msg - roUrlEvent
    override function onUrlEvent(msg as object) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' General purpose event handler for in-game events.
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {string} eventName - Event name that describes the event type
    ' @param {object} data - Any extra data to go along with the event
    override function onGameEvent(eventName as string, data as object) as void
      for each child in m.children
        child.onGameEvent(eventName, data)
      end for
    end function

    ' Method called when the current room changes.
    ' This method is only called when the entity is marked as `persistant`,
    ' otherwise entities are destroyed on room changes.
    ' Calls same method in all children
    ' @param {Room} newRoom - The next room
    override function onChangeRoom(newRoom as BGE.Room) as void
      for each child in m.children
      end for
    end function

    ' Method called when this entity is destroyed
    override function onDestroy() as void
    end function

  end class
end namespace