namespace BGE.UI
class Label extends UiWidget
drawableText as BGE.DrawableText
function new(game as BGE.Game) as void
m.drawableText = new BGE.DrawableText(m, m.canvas)
end function
function setText(text = "" as string) as void
m.drawableText.text = text
end function
' Set the canvas this UIWidget Draws to
' @param {object} [canvas=invalid] The canvas this should draw to - if invalid, then will draw to the game canvas
override sub setCanvas(canvas = invalid as object)
if invalid <> m.drawableText
end if
end sub
override function draw(parent = invalid as object) as void
' drawPosition = m.getDrawPosition(parent)
if invalid <> m.drawableText
size = m.drawableText.getDrawnSize()
m.width = size.width
m.height = size.height
end if
end function
end class
end namespace