
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  ' Used to draw a bitmap image to the screen
  class Image extends Drawable

    ' -------------Never To Be Manually Changed-----------------
    ' These values should never need to be manually changed.
    private region as object

    function new(owner as GameEntity, canvasBitmap as object, region as object, args = {} as object) as void
      super(owner, canvasBitmap, args)
      m.region = region
    end function

    override function draw(additionalRotation = 0 as float) as void
      m.width = m.region.getWidth()
      m.height = m.region.getHeight()
      if m.enabled
        m.drawRegionToCanvas(m.region, additionalRotation)
      end if
    end function

  end class
end namespace