
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  class DrawablePolygon extends DrawableWithOutline

    ' the set of points defining a convex polygon
    points as object = []

    ' The number of frames before the polygon is completely finished
    drawLevels as integer = 2

    ' Draw mode for the polygon, bitmask of:
    '  1 wireframe (just edges of triangles)
    '  2 fill (render with rectangles)
    '  4 rays (render with rays)
    drawModeMask as integer = 3

    protected tempCanvas as object = invalid
    protected lastPoints as object = []
    protected triangles as object = []
    protected hulledPoints as object = []

    protected lastDrawMode as integer = 3

    protected currentDrawLevel = 0
    protected minimumFrameRateTarget as integer = 1
    protected maxDrawLevels as integer = 16

    function new(owner as GameEntity, canvasBitmap as object, points = [] as object, args = {} as object) as void
      super(owner, canvasBitmap, args)
      m.points = BGE.cloneArray(points)
    end function

    override function draw(additionalRotation = 0 as float) as void
      if m.drawLevels < 1
        m.drawLevels = 1
      end if
      if not m.enabled or invalid = m.points
      end if


      if BGE.pointArraysEqual(m.points, m.lastPoints) and not m.shouldRedraw and m.lastDrawMode = m.drawModeMask
        if m.currentDrawLevel < m.drawLevels
        end if
        m.drawRegionToCanvas(m.tempCanvas, additionalRotation)
      end if
      m.lastDrawMode = m.drawModeMask
      m.lastPoints = BGE.cloneArray(m.points)
      m.hulledPoints = BGE.QuickHull.QuickHull(m.points)
      m.triangles = BGE.QuickHull.getTrianglesFromPoints(m.hulledPoints, false)
      widthAndOffset = BGE.QuickHull.getMaxWidthAndHorizontalOffset(m.hulledPoints)
      heightAndOffset = BGE.QuickHull.getMaxHeightAndVerticalOffset(m.hulledPoints)
      m.width = widthAndOffset.width
      m.height = heightAndOffset.height
      m.offset_x = widthAndOffset.offset
      m.offset_y = heightAndOffset.offset

      m.lastWidth = m.width
      m.lastHeight = m.height
      m.currentDrawLevel = 0

      m.tempCanvas = CreateObject("roBitmap", {
        width: m.width,
        height: m.height,
        AlphaEnable: true
      m.drawRegionToCanvas(m.tempCanvas, additionalRotation)
      m.shouldRedraw = false
    end function

    ' Change the draw levels based on how long the last frame took to render
    ' If the last frame took longer than expected, increase the draw levels
    ' If the last frame took 1/2 as long as expected, decrease the draw levels
    private sub automaticallyAdjustDrawLevels()
      frameExpectedPerTime = (m.owner.game.getDeltaTime() * m.minimumFrameRateTarget)
      if m.drawLevels < m.maxDrawLevels and frameExpectedPerTime > 1
        m.drawLevels *= 2
        if m.drawLevels < m.maxDrawLevels and frameExpectedPerTime > 2
          m.drawLevels *= 2
        end if
      else if frameExpectedPerTime < 1 and m.drawLevels > 4
        m.drawLevels /= 2
        if m.currentDrawLevel > m.drawLevels
          m.currentDrawLevel = 0
        end if
      end if
    end sub

    private sub drawNextLevelOfPolygons()
      if m.drawModeMask and 2
        m.fillPolygonWithRectangles(m.hulledPoints, m.drawLevels, m.currentDrawLevel)
      end if
      for each tri in m.triangles
        if m.drawModeMask and 4
          m.fillTriangleWithRays(tri, m.drawLevels, m.currentDrawLevel)
        end if

        if m.drawModeMask and 1
          if m.drawModeMask = 1
            m.currentDrawLevel = m.drawLevels
          end if
        end if
      end for
    end sub

    ' Draw a filled triangle with rays from the apex ato the shortest side of the triangle
    ' @param {object} [tri=[]] an array with 3 {x,y} points
    ' @param {integer} [levelOfDetail=1] LOD of the triangle - how filled in it should be
    ' @param {integer} [levelOffset=0] which step of teh fill should be done (0-levelOfDetail)
    protected sub fillTriangleWithRays(tri = [] as object, levelOfDetail = 1 as integer, levelOffset = 0 as integer)
      if invalid = m.tempCanvas
      end if

      len0 = BGE.Math.TotalDistance(tri[1], tri[2])
      len1 = BGE.Math.TotalDistance(tri[0], tri[2])
      len2 = BGE.Math.TotalDistance(tri[0], tri[1])
      apexIndex = 0
      shortLength = 0

      if len0 <= len1 and len0 <= len2
        apexIndex = 0
        shortLength = len0
      else if len1 <= len0 and len1 < len0
        apexIndex = 1
        shortLength = len1
      else ' if len2 < len0 and len2 < len1
        apexIndex = 2
        shortLength = len2
      end if
      apex = tri[apexIndex]
      startP = tri[(apexIndex + 1) mod 3]
      endP = tri[(apexIndex + 2) mod 3]

      if shortLength > 0
        rgba = m.getFillColorRGBA()
        for i = levelOffset to shortLength step levelOfDetail
          x = BGE.Tweens.LinearTween(startP.x, endP.x, i, shortLength)
          y = BGE.Tweens.LinearTween(startP.y, endP.y, i, shortLength)
          m.tempCanvas.drawLine(apex.x - m.offset_x, apex.y - m.offset_y, x - m.offset_x, y - m.offset_y, rgba)
        end for
      end if
    end sub

    ' Draw a triangle edges - uses outlineRGBA if drawOutline is true
    ' @param {object} [tri=[]] an array with 3 {x,y} points
    protected sub drawTriangleEdges(tri as object)
      if invalid = m.tempCanvas or tri.count() <> 3
      end if
      rgba = m.getFillColorRGBA()
      outlineColor = rgba
      if m.drawOutline
        outlineColor = m.outlineRGBA
      end if
      p1 = tri[0]
      p2 = tri[1]
      p3 = tri[2]
      m.tempCanvas.drawLine(p1.x - m.offset_x, p1.y - m.offset_y, p2.x - m.offset_x, p2.y - m.offset_y, outlineColor)
      m.tempCanvas.drawLine(p1.x - m.offset_x, p1.y - m.offset_y, p3.x - m.offset_x, p3.y - m.offset_y, outlineColor)
      m.tempCanvas.drawLine(p2.x - m.offset_x, p2.y - m.offset_y, p3.x - m.offset_x, p3.y - m.offset_y, outlineColor)
    end sub

    ' Draw a filled convex polygon with rectangles
    ' @param {object} [points=[]] an array of {x,y} points
    ' @param {integer} [levelOfDetail=1] How many steps it should take to get a crisp polygon
    ' @param {integer} [levelOffset=0] which step of the fill should be done (0-levelOfDetail)
    protected sub fillPolygonWithRectangles(points = [] as object, levelOfDetail = 1 as integer, levelOffset = 0 as integer)
      if invalid = m.tempCanvas or points.count() < 3
      end if
      nodeX = []
      nPoints = points.count()
      x1 = m.offset_x
      y1 = m.offset_y
      maxX = m.width + m.offset_x
      maxY = m.height + m.offset_y
      rgba = m.getFillColorRGBA()
      precision = (levelOfDetail - levelOffset) * 1.0
      if precision <= 1
      end if

      for pixelY = y1 to maxY step precision
        nodes = 0
        j = nPoints - 1
        for i = 0 to (nPoints - 1)
          if (points[i].y < pixelY and points[j].y >= pixelY) or (points[j].y < pixelY and points[i].y >= pixelY)
            if (points[j].y - points[i].y) = 0
              nodeX[nodes] = points[i].x
              nodeX[nodes] = points[i].x + (pixelY - points[i].y) / (points[j].y - points[i].y) * (points[j].x - points[i].x)
            end if
          end if
          j = i
        end for

        for i = 0 to (nodes - 1) step precision
          if nodeX[i] > maxX
            exit for
          end if
          pixelX = nodeX[i]
          if precision > 1 and i < nodes - precision
            if nodeX[i + precision] < pixelX
              pixelX = nodeX[i + precision]
            end if
          end if
          rectX = BGE.Math.Max(0, x1 + pixelX - 2 * m.offset_x)
          rectY = BGE.Math.Max(0, y1 + pixelY - 2 * m.offset_y - precision / 2)
          endX = BGE.Math.Min(cint(i + precision / 2 + 1), nodes - 1)
          width = nodeX[endX] - pixelX

          m.tempCanvas.DrawRect(rectX, rectY, width, precision, rgba)
        end for
      end for
    end sub

  end class

end namespace