
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  ' Abstract drawable class - all drawables extend from this
  class Drawable
    ' --------------Values That Can Be Changed------------
    name as string = ""

    ' The horizontal offset of the image from the owner's x position
    offset_x as float = 0
    ' The vertical offset of the image from the owner's y position
    offset_y as float = 0

    ' The image scale - horizontal
    scale_x as float = 1.0
    ' The image scale - vertical
    scale_y as float = 1.0

    ' Rotation of the image
    rotation as float = 0

    ' This can be used to tint the image with the provided color if desired. White makes no change to the original image.
    color as integer = &hFFFFFF

    ' Change the image alpha (transparency).
    alpha as float = 255

    ' Whether or not the image will be drawn.
    enabled as boolean = true

    ' Should the image be offset from teh owner, or from the canvas's origin?
    offsetPositionFromOwner as boolean = true

    ' The canvas this will be drawn to (e.g. m.game.getCanvas())
    drawTo as object = invalid

    ' -------------Never To Be Manually Changed-----------------
    ' These values should never need to be manually changed.
    protected owner as GameEntity ' owner GameEntity

    protected width as float = 0
    protected height as float = 0

    protected shouldRedraw as boolean = false

    function new(owner as GameEntity, canvasBitmap as object, args = {} as object) as void
      m.owner = owner
      m.drawTo = canvasBitmap
    end function

    ' Sets the scale of the drawable
    ' @param {float} scale_x - horizontal scale
    ' @param {dynamic} [scale_y=invalid] - vertical scale, or if invalid, use the horizontal scale as vertical scale
    function setScale(scale_x as float, scale_y = invalid as dynamic) as void
      if scale_y = invalid
        scale_y = scale_x
      end if
      m.scale_x = scale_x
      m.scale_y = scale_y
    end function

    ' Sets the canvas this will draw to
    ' @param {object} [canvas] The canvas (roBitmap) this should draw to
    sub setCanvas(canvas as object)
      m.drawTo = canvas
    end sub

    protected function getDrawPosition() as object
      x = m.offset_x
      y = m.offset_y
      if invalid <> m.owner and m.offsetPositionFromOwner
        x += m.owner.x
        y += m.owner.y
      end if
      return {x: x, y: y}
    end function

    function draw(additionalRotation = 0 as float) as void
    end function

    function onResume(pausedTimeMs as integer)
    end function

    ' Forces a redraw of this drawable on next frame
    ' By default, some drawables that need to do preprocessing (text, polygons, etc) will only redraw automatically
    ' if their dimensions or underlying values change --
    function forceRedraw() as void
      m.shouldRedraw = true
    end function

    function getSize() as object
      return {width: m.width, height: m.height}
    end function

    function getDrawnSize() as object
      return {width: m.width * m.scale_x, height: m.height * m.scale_y}
    end function

    protected function getFillColorRGBA(ignoreColor = false as boolean) as integer
      rgba = ignoreColor ? BGE.Colors().White : (m.color << 8) + int(m.alpha)
      return rgba
    end function

    protected function drawRegionToCanvas(draw2d as object, additionalRotation = 0 as float, ignoreColor = false as boolean) as void
      position = m.getDrawPosition()
      x = position.x
      y = position.y
      rgba = m.getFillColorRGBA(ignoreColor)
      totalRotation = additionalRotation + m.rotation
      if m.scale_x = 1 and m.scale_y = 1 and totalRotation = 0
        m.drawTo.DrawObject(x, y, draw2d, rgba)
      else if totalRotation = 0
        m.drawTo.DrawScaledObject(x, y, m.scale_x, m.scale_y, draw2d, rgba)
      else if m.scale_x = 1 and m.scale_y = 1
        m.drawTo.DrawRotatedObject(x, y, -totalRotation, draw2d, rgba)
        BGE.DrawScaledAndRotatedObject(m.drawTo, x, y, m.scale_x, m.scale_y, -totalRotation, draw2d, rgba)
      end if
    end function
  end class

  class DrawableWithOutline extends Drawable
    ' Draw an outline stroke of outlineRGBA color
    drawOutline as boolean = false

    ' RGBA color for outline stroke
    outlineRGBA as integer = BGE.Colors().White

    function new(owner as GameEntity, canvasBitmap as object, args = {} as object) as void
      super(owner, canvasBitmap, args)
    end function
  end class

end namespace