' @module BGE
namespace BGE
class AnimatedImage extends Image
' -------------Only To Be Changed For Animation---------------
' The following values should only be changed if the image is a spritesheet that needs to be animated.
' The spritesheet can have any assortment of multiple columns and rows.
' The current index of image - this would not normally be changed manually, but if you wanted to stop on a specific image in the spritesheet this could be set.
index as integer = 0
' The time in milliseconds for a single cycle through the animation to play.
animationDurationMs as float = 0
' The name of the tween to use for choosing the next image
animationTween as string = "LinearTween"
' -------------Never To Be Manually Changed-----------------
' These values should never need to be manually changed.
protected regions as object = invalid
private animationTimer = new GameTimer()
private tweensReference = BGE.Tweens.GetTweens()
function new(owner as GameEntity, canvasBitmap as object, regions as object, args = {} as object)
super(owner, canvasBitmap, invalid, args)
m.regions = regions
end function
override function draw(additionalRotation = 0 as float)
if m.enabled
if m.animationDurationMs > 0 and not m.owner.game.isPaused()
m.index = m.getCellDrawIndex()
end if
totalRotation = additionalRotation + m.rotation
if m.index >= 0 and m.index < m.regions.Count()
m.region = m.regions[m.index]
m.drawRegionToCanvas(m.region, totalRotation)
m.width = m.region.getWidth()
m.height = m.region.getHeight()
end if
end if
end function
protected function getCellDrawIndex() as integer
frame_count = m.regions.Count()
currentTimeMs = m.animationTimer.TotalMilliseconds()
if currentTimeMs > m.animationDurationMs
currentTimeMs -= m.animationDurationMs
end if
index = m.tweensReference[m.animationTween](0, frame_count, currentTimeMs, m.animationDurationMs)
if index > frame_count - 1
index = frame_count - 1
else if m.index < 0
index = 0
end if
return index
end function
override function onResume(pausedTime as integer)
end function
end class
end namespace