' @module BGE
namespace BGE
' Collider with the shape of a rectangle with top left at (offset_x, offset_y), with given width and height
class RectangleCollider extends Collider
width as float = 0.0
height as float = 0.0
' Create a new RectangleCollider
' @param {string} colliderName - name of this collider
' @param {object} [args={}] - additional properties (e.g {width: 10, height: 20})
function new (colliderName as string, args = {} as object) as void
super(colliderName, args)
m.colliderType = "rectangle"
end function
' Refreshes the collider
override function refreshColliderRegion() as void
region = m.compositorObject.GetRegion()
region.SetCollisionRectangle(m.offset_x, m.offset_y, m.width, m.height)
end function
' Draws the rectangle outline around the collider
override function debugDraw(draw2d as object, entityX as float, entityY as float, color = &hFF0000FF as integer)
BGE.DrawRectangleOutline(draw2d, entityX + m.offset_x, entityY + m.offset_y, m.width, m.height, color)
end function
end class
end namespace