
' @module BGE
namespace BGE

  ' Colliders are attached to GameEntities and when two colliders intersect, it triggers the onCollision() method in
  ' the GameEntity
  class Collider

    ' The type of this collider - should be defined in sub classes (eg. "circle", "rectangle")
    colliderType as string = invalid
    ' Name this collider will be identified by
    name as string = ""
    ' Does this collider trigger onCollision() ?
    enabled as boolean = true
    ' Horizontal offset from the GameEntity it is attached to
    offset_x = 0
    ' Vertical offset from the GameEntity it is attached to
    offset_y = 0

    ' Bitflag for collision detection: this collider is in this group - https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/interfaces/ifsprite.md#setmemberflagsflags-as-integer-as-void
    memberFlags = 1
    ' Bitflag for collision detection: this collider will only collider with colliders in this group - https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/interfaces/ifsprite.md#setcollidableflagsflags-as-integer-as-void
    collidableFlags = 1

    ' Used internal to Game - should not be modified manually
    compositorObject = invalid

    ' Colliders can be tagged with any number of tags so they can be easily identified (e.g. "enemy", "wall", etc.)
    tagsList = new TagList()

    ' Creates a new Collider
    ' @param {string} colliderName - the name this collider will be identified by
    ' @param {object} [args={}] - additional properties to be added to this collider
    function new (colliderName as string, args = {} as object) as void
      m.name = colliderName
    end function

    ' Sets up this collider to be associated with a given game and entity
    ' @param {object} game - the game this collider is used by
    ' @param {string} entityName - name of the entity that owns this collider
    ' @param {string} entityId - id of the entity that owns this collider
    ' @param {float} entityX - entity's x position
    ' @param {float} entityY - entity's y position
    function setupCompositor(game as object, entityName as string, entityId as string, entityX as float, entityY as float) as void

      region = CreateObject("roRegion", game.getEmptyBitmap(), 0, 0, 1, 1)
      m.compositorObject = game.compositor.NewSprite(entityX, entityY, region)
      m.compositorObject.SetData({colliderName: m.name, objectName: entityName, entityId: entityId})
    end function

    ' Refreshes the collider.
    ' Called every frame by the GameEngine.
    ' Should be overrided by sub classes if they have specialized collision set ups (e.g. circle, rectangle).
    function refreshColliderRegion() as void
      region = m.compositorObject.GetRegion()
    end function

    ' Moves the compositor to the new x,y position - called from Game when the entity it is attached to moves
    ' @param {float} x
    ' @param {float} y
    function adjustCompositorObject(x as float, y as float) as void
      if m.enabled
        m.compositorObject.MoveTo(x, y)
      end if
    end function

    ' Helper function to draw an outline around the collider
    ' @param {object} draw2d
    ' @param {float} entityX
    ' @param {float} entityY
    ' @param {integer} [color=&hFF0000FF]
    function debugDraw(draw2d as object, entityX as float, entityY as float, color = &hFF0000FF as integer) as void
    end function

  end class
end namespace